Cakra: #3: Confidence and Self-Worth

This blog looks at the third cakra as one part in building a road map to an integrative personality. The third cakra is an important “wheel of fire” energetically and supports us in developing our confidence and potential in our work and relationships.

REJECTION! Yep, it happened to me last week. I had completed a 7 month long project and submitted an application into an organization for approval of certification. I felt so confident that the “powers that
be” would move my application forward with grace and ease and I would hear back with a big “YES!” However, I received an email saying that revisions needed to be made in order to get the approval. No problem, right?! In those first few moments though an old pattern emerged…self-doubt. I felt the sting of rejection and questioned my ability to move forward. I went to my practice to detach and create space so I could have perspective. My practice supported me by calming my nervous system and helping me get clarity with next steps. Yes, my friends…to quote lyrics from the Kenny Rogers’ song “Going Back to Alabama”:

“He can pick himself up

And dust himself off
And start all over again
My friend...”

And, that’s exactly what I am in the process of doing as I determined not to give up. I got this!

The 3rd cakra is all about our self-confidence and self-worth. Nobody has any issues in that area, right?! LOL! As an Austin Yoga Therapist, I find that this is a common issue in working with clients. I see many bright, accomplished individuals who doubt themselves. A big part of my job is to hold up the mirror for them to see their value or treasures. Remember, the cakra/s can be “traps” if we get stuck or imbalanced, but also “treasures” if in balance and fluid movement.

This cakra is located above the navel in the solar plexus area. The sense connected to this cakra is sight, the color associated with this cakra is yellow and the element is FIRE! It’s interesting to note that physiologically, this is the general area of the stomach which aids in digestion of food. My teacher, Gary Kraftsow, says that “A healthy person takes any challenge in life and digests the nutrients of the challenge and eliminates what they don’t need.” This is a profound teaching. In other words, we try to learn from experiences that help us to grow, but not get stuck in the lesson and unable to move forward. Confession: Still learning!

When a person is out of balance in the third cakra, the “traps” look like the characteristics of self-criticism, pessimism, perfectionism, and in general low self-esteem. Ouch! If you think back to previous blogs on Cakra #1 = stability and Cakra #2 = vitality, creativity, you may see how those two help support confidence and self-worth. Remember, the cakra/s run esoterically and energetically from the base of the torso, through the center of the torso and up to the crown of the head. Again, this serves as a road map to an integrative personality.

Let’s look at the “treasures”! When this cakra is in balance, the qualities of self-confidence, optimism, and self-awareness emerge. This is not the same thing as narcissism at all, which according to Google is an inflated sense of self-worth, characterized by a lack of empathy for others. Rather, this quality of viewing life through the lens of optimism, confidence and self-worth allowing yourself to “shine”, therefore, bringing your brilliance into all relationships in life, including work. You will benefit from this and so will society.

I am picking myself up, dusting myself off, and starting all over again…my friends! I got this! You got this!