Cakra: #7: Rise Up

This blog looks at Cakra #7 as the final installment of 7 cakra/s esoterically running vertically through the center of the body from root to crown. This ancient system serves as a road map to building an integrative personality. This cakra is located at the center of the crown of the head and thus known as the Crown Cakra. Let’s look at the “traps” or imbalances versus the “treasures” or gifts of a balanced cakra.

This picture of a beautiful expansive tree full of life with the sun shining through is a great analogy for an integrative personality. It’s hard to imagine when we see such an impressive, mighty tree that the tree started as a tiny seed. In the foundation of rich soil, the seed began to lay down it’s root system to deliver the right amount of nutrients it needed to begin to blossom. The sprout pushed through soil sensing the light of sun and begin to rise up. Slowly, the sprout begin to metamorphosis into a sapling. The sapling continued to absorb and grow in size and confidence knowing that light was the direction in which to move. Over time, the sapling transformed into a tree which kept getting bigger, stronger, and expansive offering nourishment to other animals, birds and insects as well as shade to those who stopped to rest under the umbrella of the foliage. And all the while, the tree continued to stay connected to it’s roots while seeking the inspiration of light. This tree continues to grow. It is not finished.

The 7th Cakra or Sahasrāra sits at the top…I am referring to the center of the crown of the head. The ancients taught that this is where INSPIRATION lives. When we can wake up feeling excited for our day, listen to our heart, follow our passion/s, be of service to others, learn from our challenges and continue to grow…this is an inspired life! However, it’s hard to feel inspired when our needs of basic safety and security are not met. Remember, this first cakra of security and stability informs each cakra. Any good architect knows that a solid base is the key to a stable structure from the bottom to the top.

When in balance, this cakra’s “treasures” show up as inspired and illuminated thinking. The light bulb literally and figuratively goes off! We may feel expansive and free and our actions will tend toward the self-less side. Have you ever noticed how happy you feel when you genuinely do something kind for others without any expectation of what you will get back? I know, right?!! Good stuff! When this cakra is out of balance, consider going back to your roots and check in. Are your basic needs being met? Do you feel safe? The “traps” emerge as limited and narrow thinking. We may feel dull, trapped, stuck and our actions tend to be more self-serving and even destructive. Refer back to Cakra: #4: The Heart of the Matter blog Our self-care plays a huge part in how much vitality we have. Self-care is engaging in not only what brings us joy, but also our lifestyle choices that support our wellness such as sleep and nutritious food/water. And too…think of the relationships we engage in as nutrients. Are they nurturing and juicy or do they leave us dry and drained? This tree would not exist so magnificently if it weren’t getting the right ingredients to grow and shine.

The color violet is associated with this cakra and it is connected to the body’s energy. There are no elements such as air tied to this cakra as with cakra/s 1-5. This cakra is all about connection to sources that inspire us. It’s about merging or integrating with sources of inspiration! THINK LINK!

Here’s a simple strategy for linking to inspiration. Schedule a date with yourself to get out in nature, especially deep nature. My personal favorite involves some form of water such as a river, waterfall, lake, or ocean. After going on a walk, sit down by a structure that captures your attention. Take some time to study the characteristics of the object. Be curious! Look at the colors, textures, notice sounds, etc. What qualities do you notice about the object? Then, close your eyes and deepen your breath and bring the memory/essence of that natural structure into your person. Breathe in and mentally connect to the object. Breathe out and think about “spreading the qualities” of the tree, river, mountain, flower, etc. through you. Take 3-5 minutes to stay in this mental exercise. Afterwards, take a picture of your object and perhaps consider printing it out and framing it. You can place it somewhere in your home that you will see it often thus connecting to the memory. Doesn’t this sound like a great date for yourself?! A cheap date too!!

Rise Up! Step by Step, day by day, it is my hope that you and I (we) continue to absorb exactly what we need through our roots to give us stability, creativity and vitality, confidence, love and openness, expressiveness, discernment and…INSPIRATION! There’s the cakra/s qualities, friends from bottom to top. My teacher, Gary Kraftsow says it well with these words, “We practice to deepen our self-awareness, establish ourselves in the present, and set a direction for our future.” My yoga and meditation daily practice continue to be the rich soil of knowledge that feed me. And it’s an honor….to support others in creating a daily practice that enriches their life on a multidimensional level. It is an honor to teach and write for you. Thank you!