This blog discusses the recent Polar Vortex storms that seriously effected Texas as well as my experience around feeling “frozen”. This blog looks at the ancient teachings of the different states of mind in the Yoga Sutras. What is the word or description for a directable mind according to Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras?
This week was a doozy! Texas found itself in the middle of a Polar Vortex which created unprecedented continual ice and snow storms and frigid temperatures. Many people found themselves without power and some without water for several hours and days on end. My home was without power for 48 hours or so and I observed myself during this time and how I adapted. You may relate to some of my story.
In the wee hours of Monday morning around 2 a.m., I awoke to my husband’s voice as he jolted upright. “Shoot! We just lost power!” he said. I was warm and asleep at the time, so I didn’t feel he needed to wake me up too. LOL! When I did wake later in the frigid morning, I immediately bundled up in a long sleeved T-shirt, wool sweater, fleece jacket, warm pants, double socks and slippers. The house temperature was dropping into the low 60’s. I am not one for cold weather AT ALL and I didn’t want any part of this. Yet, here I was! My main concern was for my beloved 89 year old Dad who lives a couple of miles away in an independent living center. After many attempts to reach him, I finally got a hold of him to learn that he had power and was fed!
*side note: He also lost power for one night and struggled to stay warm while shivering, bundled up and enduring the unprecedented weather. Eventually, he got power again. I am assuming his residence was on a grid labeled PRIORITY!
I remember thinking that I will send out positive thoughts that the power will come back on any moment now. This was Monday! Hours dragged by. Nothing! The house temperature was dropping into the low 50’s now. My teenage son and I sat out in his car heating ourselves with the seat warmers and listening to NPR. I called this our “spa treatment” and indulged in a 2 hour heating session involving my sweet dog, James Brown in his sweater sitting on my lap. It was a connected time together. Ah, a silver lining…
Since there was NO POWER, darkness invaded the house by 6:30 p.m. and multiple candles dimly light the kitchen area. Regular activities such as cooking dinner and watching T.V. were unavailable with no electricity. I found myself bundled up in all of my layers plus blankets and a heavy duty sleeping bag on top of my bed. The sleeping bags were purchased 20 plus years ago when I lived in Montana. Thank Goodness those were never taken to Goodwill. I stayed warm and had strange dreams that night!
Tuesday was more of the same with the exception that we heated a can of chili on the grill outside. I felt like we were cold weather camping and eating our can of beans, the way the “cowboys” did. Luckily, we had water. My mood had dampened somewhat. The house temperature was now at 41 degrees! I used a heating mantra/sound to warm, which helped but was too cold to move for long periods of time. The sun was covered with gray clouds making for colder temperatures and a gloomy feeling. Another early night into the layers of covers after “spa treatments” of warming as much as possible! I was no longer hopeful of the grid getting power up and running…rather understanding that this might take some time. So very thankful, that in the middle of the early hours of Wednesday morning, power was turned on at the Loop home! My body was tired yesterday due to going through the experience and hibernation mode. All I wanted to do was shower, eat, and rest!
Now it is Thursday. I am watching the icicles that cling to the roof’s outline begin to drip…a sure sign that the temperature is improving. THE MELT IS ON! This reminded me of the Sutra teachings of the 3 states of mind. Just like water, the mind can take on different states and qualities. We know that water can be in the states of liquid, frozen, or gas/steam but it is all water. Boy, how we know it…TEXAS!
In Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, the mind is described in 3 different ways or states.
Manas = the quality of the mind that is unfocused or scattered in attention = the “monkey mind” with lots of internal chatter. This is the quality of mind without the practices of mindfulness such as yoga and meditation that train the brain to become present. And the mind we experience until we step into our consciousness.
Citta = the quality of the mind that is directable (focused). See Sutra 1,2 below
This quality is created through the inner practices of yoga, especially meditation
Pratyaya = the quality of the mind that through meditation becomes deeply connected to the object being meditated on such as a mountain. Through this deep connection, the mind has insight into the nature of the object. Our mind begins to see, hear, and feel from somewhere deeper than the eyes, ears, and touch. An understanding is developing!
During the Polar Vortex storms, I observed my mind through all states and qualities. Worrying about my Dad, I had more of the manas quality thinking about the “what if’s!” But I experienced more of the citta and pratyaya states in knowing that…while physically miserable…I could continually mentally adapt and meet the moment based on understanding of what is. Such an interesting teaching!
Here’s Yoga Sutra 1.2 which sets up the definition of yoga: (using Mukunda Stiles interpretation) and interpretations from my teachers, Gary Kraftsow and Chase Bossart:
yogah citta vrtti nirodhaha
yogah = yoga
citta = mind, perception
vrtti = fluctuations, whirling
nirodhaha= to cease, stop, contain
Modern translation: “A state of yoga is when we can direct the mind completely where we want it to go.”