"Snail Signs"

Nature often gives us signs to slow down. Are we paying attention to the smallest of signs? This blog discusses my experiences about needing to slow down as a form of self care and nurturing in stressful times.

To hurry or not to hurry? That is the question.

I am a quick mover. I like to get things done and accomplish my goals for the day which is a great thing but it often comes with moving too fast and putting too much on my plate. Over time, yoga has taught me to be in my body and feel the impulse to rush, acknowledge it, pause and then move more deliberately. That’s one form of hurry. Another is to try and do too much at the expense of depletion.

Currently, I am going through life’s “unplanned unfolding’s” which is a term a good friend taught me. While navigating these life changes, I have been intensely studying American Sign Language (ASL) through Austin Community College. This semester, I completed ASL 3 and had planned to take ASL 4 in the fall…but my plans got derailed. I found myself in yet another “unplanned unfolding" which forced me into a decision to sit it out for a semester. Initially, I was saddened that I couldn’t move right into the next level as I wanted but when I stepped back to look at the big picture, I recognized that the universe was taking care of me to get me to slow down and hit the pause button. YAY Universe!!

And the day that I made the decision to slow down, something beautiful happened. Walking up the sidewalk to my front door, this snail was in the middle of my path. In fact, I almost stepped on it. When I went out into the back patio, the recent rainstorms had brought approximately 80-100 plus snails ranging from tiny to medium in size and sticking to every tile on the patio. I had to take the slowest of steps to not crush any of them which also was a form of mindful movement. I could see their glistening trails interwoven across the tiles that showed where they had come out of the grass and onto dry shelter. Snail signs were all around me. Yes, we do have plenty of time.

Our nervous systems can learn a thing or two from these snails. As we step off of the gas pedal and embody the “brakes”, life can get better. This week, I have visited those snails every day by taking time out to simply sit outside and gaze onto my back yard where there is often a couple of deer grazing, butterflies fluttering across the tops of purple, orange, and yellow wildflowers, and grasshoppers jumping. My soul moves into ease.

Have you been paying attention to your signs? Do those signs lead toward hurry and do more or simply slow down and be?